Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions form the basis of the contract (hereinafter „booking contract“) between S-39 Lunasol GmbH, Seetalstrasse 39, 6032 Emmen / Lucerne, Switzerland, commercial register entry: CH32040434400, VAT number: CHE-108.494.617 (hereinafter „S-39“) and its customer. When booking a room or table, the customer automatically states that he/she has become familiar with the terms and conditions.

Booking and Payment

Booking refers exclusively to working days. The fee is the total cost of the room/table hire. The fee shall be calculated as stated on the booking form and is inclusive of VAT.

The following means of payment are available:
- cash payment;
- bank transfer.

The Client shall pay extra any beverages or other goods and/or services not provided for in the booking contract but sold/provided to the client.

The conclusion of the booking contract

A customer can change the items added to the basket and payment methods before confirming the booking. The booking contract is completed when a customer has made the booking on www.s-39.ch and this has been accepted by S-39. S-39 shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in the data transfer. The customer will be informed of the conclusion of the contract by sending a confirmation email to the e-mail address provided by the customer. A customer may also enter into a booking contract with S-39 in person, via telephone or email. Unless otherwise provided by these terms and conditions or law, the contract may only be amended or terminated by mutual agreement of the parties.


Both parties to a booking contract have a right to cancel the booking free of charge provided that the cancellation notice is duly delivered to the other party prior to the booked date.

Force Majeure

Neither party shall be liable to the other for any delay or non-performance of its obligations by reason beyond its control including, but not limited to, any act of terrorism, war, riot, compliance with any law or government order, fire, flood or storm, strikes, or any other industrial dispute, delay in transit, power failure, postal delay, or any event that cannot reasonably be planned for or avoided.

Governing Law, Jurisdiction and Severability

These terms and conditions are governed by Swiss law. The place of jurisdiction is Emmen, Canton Lucerne, Switzerland; subject to other mandatory jurisdictions. If any court or competent authority decides that any of the provisions of these Terms are invalid, unlawful or unenforceable to any extent, the term will, to that extent only, be severed from the remaining terms, which will continue to be valid to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Images on this Website

Any images, copyright, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights used on this site are owned by S-39 or used by S-39 with the express permission of their owner.

Data Protection Statement

Our company, S-39 Lunasol GmbH, Seetalstrasse 39, 6032 Emmen / Lucerne, Switzerland, commercial register entry: CH32040434400, VAT number: CHE-108.494.617, hereinafter referred to as the website operator, is very responsible to deal with your personal data and the following data protection statement is intended to give you an overview of what is happening with the data and what protection we offer.

Subject to data protection

This declaration refers to the data that is known through the visit of our website and informs how the data is treated.

Personal data and their application

The data are stored in our database for later processing. In addition, we automatically store data in our log files, which we receive from your browser during the visit (browser, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.). This means that the IP address is known and a cookie is created on your computer. This cookie ensures that your order can be processed properly and, above all, it is possible to store your interests so that we can offer you the products you are most interested in without having to repeat the interest.

Data protection

In order to establish a secure connection, we use the HTTPS protocol, which is protected against foreign access.


This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies", text files that are stored on your computer and allow you to analyze the use of the website. Such a file will expire after 26 months. The information about your use of this website (including your IP address) generated by the cookie is transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activity for website operators, and to provide other services related to web usage and Internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties as far as this is required by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. Google will in no case associate your IP address with other data from Google. You can prevent the installation of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; however, we would point out that in this case you may not be able to fully utilize all the functions of this website. The collection and storage of data can be contested at any time with effect for the future. In the light of the discussion about the use of analytics tools with full IP addresses, we would like to point out that this website uses Google Analytics with the extension "anonymizeIp ()" and therefore IP addresses are shortened in order to rule out a direct personal relationship. Additionally, it is possible to prevent the cookies data relating to your use of the website (including the IP address) being recorded by downloading and installing an Internet browser plug-in available on: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=en. Without your explicit consent, no such tools will be used to collect personal data, provide personal information to third parties or marketing platforms, nor to link data to your personal data.

Cookies will be used for the following purposes:
a. the proper functioning of the website and simplification of the order (eg. placement of orders, customer identification);
b. advertising and marketing events;
c. creating site traffic statistics and collecting information on the use of the website to improve its structure and content.

All cookies that are used by our website may be temporary or persistent. Temporary cookies are removed by closing the user's web browser, while persistent cookies are retained even after using the page and serve to store information that facilitates the use of our services and speeds up the access to the website later on. By using our website's services without changing the Internet browser settings concerning cookies it is deemed that you express consent with their storage in your computer. At any time, you can block the use of cookies and delete persistent cookies by using the appropriate settings available in the Internet browser on your computer. Detailed information on cookie options is traditionally available in the Help tab of the Internet browser menu. Blocking or restricting the use of cookies may disable the proper use of some of the applications available on our website.

Information Obligation in relation to Customers ("Data Subjects")

S-39 Lunasol GmbH, Seetalstrasse 39, 6032 Emmen / Lucerne, Switzerland, commercial register entry: CH32040434400, VAT number: CHE-108.494.617, processes personal data of customers and subscribers of newsletters in accordance with the principles of the Swiss Data Protection Act (DPA) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”), as the "Data Controller". Personal data may also be processed on behalf of the Data Controller on the basis of data processing agreements by other legal person or a natural person (entrepreneur) providing computer services, computer-related data processing services or advertising and marketing services (the "Processors"), with the following purposes:

1) conclusion of a reservation agreement between S-39 and the customer; response to requests, remarks or information resulting from the contract concluded; management of contracts, invoices and other related documents; processing of accounting documents for tax purposes; IT support for managing databases with personal data and orders, collecting and processing customer statistics; all on the legal basis of fulfilment of the contract to which you, as the Data Subject (the customer), are the party,
2) sending a newsletter about news, promotions, or events organized by S-39, on the legal basis of your consent (you as the Data Subject - the customer or visitor of this website).
We need your name, surname, address, e-mail, phone number, and billing information for your reservation and for the proper performance of the contract. To subscribe to the newsletter, we'll only process your email address. Your email address is also a communication channel for sending booking confirmations. In the process of reservation, fulfilment of the contract or sending a newsletter, the recipients of your personal data (Data Controller and the Processors) are listed above. We process your personal data only for the duration of the purpose for which we have obtained your personal data and for the duration of necessary archiving according to applicable legislation. In case of obtaining your data based on your consent, your data will be processed until the withdrawal of your consent.
S-39 uses applications Mailchimp, Google Analytics and Google AdWords, based in a third country - USA. The USA is a country which, according to the European Commission's decision, guarantees adequate protection. Providers of these applications provided reasonable assurance and security of personal data and ensure that personal data will be processed in accordance with GDPR principles. As a Data Subject, you have the right at any time to withdraw your consent to data processing with effect for the future and your personal data will subsequently be erased. You also have the right to information (free of charge) regarding the processing of your stored personal data. Provided you comply with the requirements of generally binding legal regulations, you also have (i) the right to access your personal data, (ii) the right to rectification of the incorrect personal data, (iii) the right to restriction of processing of personal data, (iv) the right to object to processing, (v) the right to erase personal data, in particular if it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed, or if you have withdrawn the consent to processing it and there is no other legal basis for processing , or if personal data was processed illegally.

You also have the right to data portability, i.e. you have the right to obtain your personal information that you have voluntarily provided in electronic form upon your consent in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and in this regard, you also have the right to request the transfer of this data to other data controller if such transmission is technically possible.

As a Data Subject, you also have the right to file a complaint with the Supervisory Authority, which, in context of data protection, is the Data Protection and Information Commissioner of Switzerland (contact20@edoeb.admin.ch, +41 58 462 43 95), when you suspect that your personal data is being processed in violation of valid legislation. In connection with the above rights, you may contact us by e-mail at info@s-39.ch or by post at the registered office of S-39 Lunasol GmbH, Seetalstrasse 39, 6032 Emmen / Lucerne, Switzerland. The services provided on our website which are subject to the consent of the customer (Data Subject) under these Terms and Conditions, are not intended directly for persons under the age of 16.

Changes to this Data Protection Statement

The website operator reserves the right to change this data protection statement. If we change this data protection statement, we will publish the modified version here with an updated version date. If you have any questions relating to this data protection statement you can contact us via info@s-39.ch, inserting “data protection statement” in the subject of the e-mail.
